Could I, could I just find a way, I'd find you every day, and we can alter time.
But, I've come to find everyones gone away, so this may be the time for the perfect crime.
Yes this is perfect.
This is our medicine. This is our time to medicate.
You and me, now as we, lose ourselves in this and ignore that you don't even know my name.
Come day, you'll say you cannot stay. Once more I'll feel the same, it happens every time. So I've come to find, everyone goes away. I'm destined to remain. You were never mine, so you were perfect.
This is our medicine. This is our time to medicate.
You and me, now as we, lose ourselves in this and ignore, that you don't even know my name. Medicate. You and me, now as we, lose ourselves in us and ignore that you don't even know my name.
Can you describe what it's like, I feel nothing. Can you feel this? Does it sting? I feel nothing at all. Can you tell me how it feels? I feel nothing at all. Can we pretend this is real? I feel nothing.
You and me, now as we, lose ourselves in this and ignore, that you don't even know my name. Medicate. You and me, now as we, lose ourselves in us and ignore that you don't even know my name.
Davey Havok fue entrevistado por Kroq sobre la nueva canción "Medicate" para poder escuchar esta entrevista entra aquí:1ro y 2do
"Para descargar la entrevista completa entra Aquí"
La canción Medicate también estuvo en una estación de radio en Alemania
- Para escuchar la canción en esta estación entra Aquí
- Para escuchar la entrevista entra aquí:1ro, 2do y 3ro
AFI subio una foto a su Twitter en esa estación de radio

AFI actua
No se olviden que mañana 25 de agosto la canción Medicate estará disponible en "iTunes y Amazon" y se podrá escuchar en su reproductor de myspace
[Las Descargar de esta entrada es de Viridiana "Viry" gracias por tu colaboración]
me encanta esa cancion es la primera vez q la escucho!!!!