Kevin Wells del sitio "The Washington Times, Communities" tuvo la oportunidad de entrevistar a AdamCarson, para hablar sobre sus inicios como músico y sobre su nuevo material "Burials" que saldra el 22 de Octubre:
Adam habla sobre sus inicios con la batería:
"I come from a pretty musical family. My dad was a drummer in the 60s in San Francisco".Sus influencias del Punk:
"I got into punk pretty much through skateboarding, maybe when I was ten or so. My cousin gave me an old Zorlac, Metallica Zorlac deck and I started reading Thrasher Magazine. Back then, punk and skateboarding really went hand in hand. It sort of sent me down the path, you know?".Para Adam Carson "Burials" es su material favorito:
"The album I’m most proud of, and I’m sure any musician will always say this, is Burials, our new release that’s about to come out. I’m really proud of the way the drums turned out. I’m really proud of the band. It really is a well-rounded record and I think all of us, as performers, sort of focused on what we know how to do, but we also showed a lot of restraint in places, knowing that what’s best for the song is what we’re not doing. So, yeah, I’m most proud of our most recent".El entrevistador hablo sobre sus giras y Adam respondio que le gustaria tocar en todas las ciudades que tocado antes y que tratarian de tocar frente a nuevos grupos de fans.
I don’t know. We just got started. Hopefully we spend a better portion of the year supporting Burials, but maybe it will be longer, maybe it will be shorter. We don’t really know. At the moment we’re anxious to go and play in all the cities we’ve played before and try to play in front of a new batch of fans.• Para ver la entrevista completa entre Aquí.
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